Welcome to Michigan! by Nancy Seaman
Welcome to Michigan. Land of 10,000 lakes, a safe haven for abusers, and a hostile environment for battered women.
Michigan, a state with a Self-Defense Act which disallows the use of deadly force by a battered woman if her attacker is a spouse, former spouse, in a dating relationship, resident of the same household, or have a child in common even though statistics show battered women are attacked by intimate partners, not strangers.
Michigan, a state that puts battered women on trial for the homicide of their abusers, but then severely limits trial testimony of expert witnesses, denying juries evidence that could prove the women acted in lawful self-defense.
Michigan, a state where battered women who kill their abusers face higher conviction rates and longer prison sentences than all others charged with homicide, including those with previous violent criminal records.
Michigan, a state where battered women who kill their abusers in defense of their own lives receive the same “life imprisonment” sentence as serial killers, mass murderers, terrorists, and mobsters.
Michigan, a state with conviction rates and sentencing in battered women cases that is significantly more severe as compared to other states.
Michigan, a state where prosecutors fight to keep battered women incarcerated until death even when those convictions have been overturned by appellate courts, burdening taxpayers with the cost.
For battered women in Michigan, the choice is:
Die at the hands of your abuser or defend yourself and risk life imprisonment if you inadvertently kill your abuser. There are no second chances in the State of Michigan for battered women.
I am one of these women who unintentionally killed my abusive husband in defense of my own life during an argument about my plans to leave my 31-year abusive marriage. Alcohol and amphetamines fueled my husband’s rage when he attacked me, I had defensive injuries on my body, and my conviction has been overturned in both state and federal courts. However, I have been incarcerated for 14 years in a Michigan prison and will remain here until death claims my life or commutation is granted by Michigan Governor Snyder.
You have the power to rescue me! Please contact the Justice Thru Storytelling advocacy group and join with others supporting my commutation effort and send a message to Governor Snyder at PO BOX 30013, Lansing, MI 48909 that the lives of Michigan battered women matter.
Many thanks,
Nancy Seaman
Demand Justice
The goal of this campaign is to convince our legislators in the state of Michigan to change People v Christel to model the California law in order to bring #Justice4Women.