JTS Editor's Page

“Behind Prison Walls” written by Nancy Seaman – April 2017

My name is Nancy Seaman and for 31-years of marriage I lived in the shadows as a battered woman with the shame of abuse as my closely guarded secret.  My husband was a good man with many admirable qualities, but there was this dark side to his personality, fueled by a smoldering rage just below

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Cynthia’s Story – Aspen, Colorado – by Kelle Lynn

On a clear crisp sunny morning, with our coffee mugs side by side, Cynthia and I sat on the bar stools in her newly decorated kitchen overlooking the beautiful mountain landscape in Aspen, Colorado. With her long blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and stunning facial features, one could easily think she’s only known a life

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“Dark Glasses” a poem for survivors of domestic violence written by Nancy Seaman

Dark Glasses She always wear dark glasses. A fashion statement? No!! Those glasses hide the blackened eyes, the broken heart, the pain deep in her soul. Behind those tinted glasses, She can hide the trail of tears, cloak her shame, escape the blame, conceal her deepest fears. Dark glasses are her armor to avoid judgmental

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Jenny Baka – Domestic Violence led to Wrongful Conviction of Second Degree Murder

My name is Jenny. I am a survivor of three years of brutal domestic violence with a man I met right after my high school graduation. During that time, I survived broken bones, homelessness, days in the ICU and ultimately losing my own son. However, I am fortunate to be alive, since he killed two

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“Second Chances” written by Nancy Seaman

“A life sentence for a battered woman who killed her abuser to save her own life is the cruelest of all fates because she is now condemned to live the rest of her life in an even more abusive environment than the one from which she escaped.” Second Chances by Nancy Seaman

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Former Judge Jack McDonald 2017 Letter to Governor Snyder – Clemency for Seaman

Former Michigan Governor Engler (1991-2003), well known for his “tough on crime” approach, appointed the Honorable Circuit Judge John “Jack” McDonald to the bench in Oakland County (Detroit suburb) where he served from 1993-2010. McDonald has always been a strong believer in the criminal justice system and presided over numerous first-degree murder cases with life sentences.

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Former Prison Psychologist Nels Thompson 2017 Letter to Governor Snyder – Clemency for Seaman

Excerpt of letter: “In regards to Nancy Seaman’s sentence of life without parole and current application for clemency, I would be happy to meet with the parole board and explain in detail why I believe the case of Nancy Seaman is different than what I have just stated and deserves an evalution with different information.

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Trial Attorney Lawrence Kaluzny Letter to Parole Board – Clemency for Seaman

Excerpt from letter: “As a criminal defense attorney, and formerly as a prosecutor, I have handled over 8000 criminal cases, including over 100 murder cases and 600 trials. This is the first time in my career that I have written a letter to the Parole Board in support of a clemency petition. As a trial

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Former Bloomfield Hills Mayor Patricia Hardy Letter to Governor Snyder – Clemency for Seaman

Pat Hardy is a former Michigan Women’s Commissioner appointed by Governor John Engler and a Bloomfield Hills City Commissioner who has served twice as Mayor. She is also a strong advocate for Nancy Seaman in the form of film and numerous letters to Governor Snyder and the Parole Board. Pat visited Nancy Seaman at the

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Former Prison Psychologist Advocates for Woman’s Release From Prison

This powerful one minute video should get this woman released from prison after serving 30 years for defending her life against her abusive husband.

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JTS Editor

Demand Justice

The goal of this campaign is to convince our legislators in the state of Michigan to change People v Christel to model the California law in order to bring #Justice4Women.