Domestic violence is a serious issue in the United States.
Michigan State University national statistics on domestic violence show that about 20 Americans are victims of physical abuse every minute. The statistics also show one in three women are physically abused by an intimate partner, and one in five women are severely abused. Intimate partners are responsible for 15 percent of all violent crime.
Despite overwhelming evidence that domestic violence is real and affects women in significant numbers, women who attempt to or succeed in protecting themselves from abusive and violent partners often find themselves enmeshed in a justice system that doesn’t clearly understand the issues of domestic violence. Consequently, many women who killed abusive partners in self-defense are serving life sentences.
Justice Thru Storytelling seeks to change this narrative. Justice Thru Storytelling seeks #Justice4Women.
JTS hopes to empower women to share their stories, so the healing journey can begin.
“I will never forget a time in my life when I was at my lowest point. I felt beaten down and defeated. I didn’t have any supportive family close by. My abuser was a lot more savvy and powerful than I was.
One day I was talking to my brother over the phone about my situation. His words changed my entire thought process and direction.
“You need to fight power with power. You can’t be a victim now. FIGHT POWER WITH POWER.”
He said it with such a strong conviction.
Something instantly ignited inside of me. I knew he was right. That was when I fought back. It built up my self-confidence.
It was a tough time in my life. But I survived and ended up on top.”
Demand Justice
The goal of this campaign is to convince our legislators in the state of Michigan to change People v Christel to model the California law in order to bring #Justice4Women.