Domestic Violence Expert Conclusion on Michigan Woman’s Self-Defense

A recent feature story in the Detroit Free Press by Kristen Jordan Shamus gives a perfectly clear picture as to why we are working hard to get this message out to our lawmakers to amend the People v Christel ruling on behalf of limited expert testimony for battered women in our courts. And to get incarcerated women OUT of prison!

Here is an excerpt of what Tina Talbot’s domestic violence expert has to say:

Holly Rosen, a licensed social worker and the director of the Michigan Sate University Safe Place, a domestic violence and stalking program, independently evaluated Talbot and issued a report to the court.

In her conclusions, she wrote:

“I strongly believe a rational person would have acted in a similar way to defend themselves. … Ms. Talbot was faced with a no-win situation; was acting in self-defense to protect herself and the life of her 7-year-old son, Phillip; and it is very likely that she and her son would not be alive today had she not acted in the way that she did.

“It is my professional opinion that her intent was solely to spare herself and her son from harm, and that she did not desire for her husband’s life to end in this way, or at all.”

Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper could have dismissed the charges against Tina as a justifiable homicide based on the 45 page report which contains overwhelming evidence that Tina was severely tortured and in a “kill or be killed” situation.

The public is outraged, shocked, and in disbelief that Tina Talbot is now being treated like a criminal and locked away in prison. The 60k signatures petitioning Governor Whitmer for her release is proof that people are tired of the “double injustice” women face in our courts.

The “double injustice” stands for women who are being threatened and terrorized in their own home, then end up being treated unfairly and with great disparity in the criminal justice system.

The Free Press story again:

Hers is a story that brings to question whether people who’ve suffered domestic violence should be prosecuted and incarcerated when they kill their abusers, and who pays the heftiest price when violence begets violence.

“When Tina Talbot gets out of prison, she will be a convicted felon, which will bring another set of consequences to this tragedy,” said Kelle Lynn, who runs an advocacy organization called Justice Thru Storytelling, which works to free battered women in prison in Michigan. “She may be free on the outside of those prison walls, but her life will still be traumatized. …

“There are many more women like Tina Talbot. … These women pose no threat to society. There is a double injustice these women can’t seem to get away from until we make progress with our lawmakers, prosecutors, and judges.”

Here is how you can HELP:

  1. Go to our website at and click on the DEMAND JUSTICE tab at the top of the page. We have already written a letter. Just fill in your name and address, click the button, and it will automatically go to your legislator.
  2. Email Tina’s story in the above Detroit Free Press link to your legislators to let them know you support Battered Women’s Legislation in Michigan by amending the People v Christel ruling; that you support battered women’s RELEASE from prison; that you DEMAND fair trials for women in our courtrooms. It’s happening in other states. Now is the time for Michigan to step up.

Find your legislator here.

For more information browse our website to learn more about our efforts and why we DEMAND #Justice4Women.


Kelle Lynn, Founder & President
Justice Thru Storytelling

Demand Justice

The goal of this campaign is to convince our legislators in the state of Michigan to change People v Christel to model the California law in order to bring #Justice4Women.