Corrine’s Story: Part 4
I always thought that Brandon was a decent human being. For me, the good times came down to the fact that he treated me with respect and genuinely seemed to love my children and me.
As a young woman so conditioned to unhealthy relationships, I thought Brandon was a “great guy.” He had a loving and kind family. His parents, sister, and he were all close. I also remember the wise people in my life that told me, “you can tell a lot about a man and how he’ll treat you when you see how he is with his mother or sister.”
My family was so dysfunctional and chaotic that I found myself attracted to guys who had opposite families (even if the guy himself was dysfunctional). I enjoyed being around Brandon and his family. They welcomed me and gave me a roof over my head when my own family threw me on the street. His dad went out of his way to give me rides to places I needed to go. Brandon seemed to have a loving family, and I was drawn to him because he and his family felt safe. Life with Brandon was good until it wasn’t. He flipped a switch on me. I never saw it coming. I would never have anticipated him to turn into the monster that still haunts my sleep.
People often asked me how I did not know that he would turn on me. How did I not see the signs? Brandon turned out to be like a devastating car crash that destroyed many lives. He left only wreckage and pain in his path. And just like a car crash, we are left with so many unanswered questions. How did this happen? Why didn’t you pay attention to the signs? And all the other questions that follow a tragedy that our brains can’t grasp.
The good times did exist, but unfortunately, those memories are clouded by the pain he caused.
Demand Justice
The goal of this campaign is to convince our legislators in the state of Michigan to change People v Christel to model the California law in order to bring #Justice4Women.