Circuit Judge Mester (retired) letter for Seaman commutation

Ms. Seaman’s trial occurred after the 1995 Supreme Court Ruling in People v. Crystal. Thus, her trial judge and the jury were prevented from hearing the full testimony of Dr. Lenore E. Walker, Ed. D.,a licensed psychologist and the foremost expert on Battered Women’s Syndrome. This testimony could have made a drastic difference in how the jury perceived the defendant as well as taking into consideration the now recognized relevance of Battered Women’s Syndrome. Sentencing would likely have been very different.

Dr. Walker has written to you to attest that after having contact with Ms. Seaman, her expert opinion is that Ms. Seaman “was a battered woman in her relationship with her husband and that she had a reasonable perception of imminent danger to herself at the time she killed him.”

Circuit Judge Mester letter for Seaman commutation

Demand Justice

The goal of this campaign is to convince our legislators in the state of Michigan to change People v Christel to model the California law in order to bring #Justice4Women.